About Shamanism

The Shaman is usually regarded as a healer as well as a mediator between the normal – ordinary – world or reality (OR), and the spiritual world, the so called non-ordinary reality (NOR). He is an expert for communication with the helping spirits by changing his everyday consciousness to an altered state and “journeying” to NOR to retrieve power and information for his clients.

Traditional Shamanism


Traditional Shamanism is a complex of beliefs and behaviours embedded within a variety of cultures. Shamans are distinguished from other healers, mediums and various religious practitioners. These criteria are helpful:

  • Usually shamans have direct contact with spiritual entities

  • Spirits do not usurp or “control” the shaman’s consciousness without permission

  • The shaman determines when to enter and when to leave the altered state

  • They focus on the material world rather than looking for personal enlightenment

  • The ability for the “magical flight of the soul”, i. e. the shaman’s journey

Comparison of data from tribal cultures show a cosmological pattern. In general shamans experience three worlds: The Upper, the Lower and the Middle World. Upper and Lower World are the realms of the compassionate helpful spirits of the shaman.

Core Shamanism

Core Shamanism Courses UK Online

Core shamanism consists of the universal or near-universal principles and practices of shamanism not bound to any specific cultural group or perspective, as originated, researched, and developed by Michael Harner. Since the West overwhelmingly lost its shamanic knowledge centuries ago due to religious oppression, the Foundation’s programs in core shamanism are particularly intended for Westerners to reconnect to their rightful spiritual heritage through quality workshops and training courses. 

Training in core shamanism includes teaching students to alter their consciousness through classic shamanic techniques such as repetitive drumming so that they can discover their own hidden spiritual resources, transform their lives, and learn how to help others. We do not use any hallucinogenic plants or drugs.

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