Online-Training in Core Shamanic Practice: October 11, 2025
Using shamanic work to bring strength into everyday life and provide support from a distance.
Shamanic work is of great importance for ourselves, our personal surroundings, our surroundings and the entire biosphere.
Well-established and reliable contact to one’s own spiritual allies -primary power animals and teachers - is the basis for any effective shamanic practice. The primary aim of this one day online training is to renew and sustain personal spiritual power in order to master our own lives and be of service to our own people and the community. Along with fundamental Core Shamanic methods, essential elements of a well-balanced and stable core-shamanic practice are taught, all suitable for everyday life.
Pre-requisite for participation is the completion of the Basic workshop “The Way of the Shaman” or the online workshop “The Shamanic Journey to Power and Knowledge”.
The workshop “Online Training in Core Shamanic Practice” addresses the following aspects of shamanic work in a practical way:
Methods for deepening the relationship with one’s spiritual allies
Shamanic power and its application in everyday life
Ways and techniques to draw power for oneself and others
Long-distance shamanic work
Course Length: one day practice divided in sessions with breaks and lunch break
Date & Time: Saturday, October 11th: 10am - 6.30pm
with two-hour lunch break, one hour break late afternoon and other small breaks during the day.
Fee: £ 140
(*please note: this includes PayPal booking fees)
To make your payment via PayPal, please continue with the checkout process below.
If you would prefer to make your payment via BACS Transfer, click here for details.
Using shamanic work to bring strength into everyday life and provide support from a distance.
Shamanic work is of great importance for ourselves, our personal surroundings, our surroundings and the entire biosphere.
Well-established and reliable contact to one’s own spiritual allies -primary power animals and teachers - is the basis for any effective shamanic practice. The primary aim of this one day online training is to renew and sustain personal spiritual power in order to master our own lives and be of service to our own people and the community. Along with fundamental Core Shamanic methods, essential elements of a well-balanced and stable core-shamanic practice are taught, all suitable for everyday life.
Pre-requisite for participation is the completion of the Basic workshop “The Way of the Shaman” or the online workshop “The Shamanic Journey to Power and Knowledge”.
The workshop “Online Training in Core Shamanic Practice” addresses the following aspects of shamanic work in a practical way:
Methods for deepening the relationship with one’s spiritual allies
Shamanic power and its application in everyday life
Ways and techniques to draw power for oneself and others
Long-distance shamanic work
Course Length: one day practice divided in sessions with breaks and lunch break
Date & Time: Saturday, October 11th: 10am - 6.30pm
with two-hour lunch break, one hour break late afternoon and other small breaks during the day.
Fee: £ 140
(*please note: this includes PayPal booking fees)
To make your payment via PayPal, please continue with the checkout process below.
If you would prefer to make your payment via BACS Transfer, click here for details.
Using shamanic work to bring strength into everyday life and provide support from a distance.
Shamanic work is of great importance for ourselves, our personal surroundings, our surroundings and the entire biosphere.
Well-established and reliable contact to one’s own spiritual allies -primary power animals and teachers - is the basis for any effective shamanic practice. The primary aim of this one day online training is to renew and sustain personal spiritual power in order to master our own lives and be of service to our own people and the community. Along with fundamental Core Shamanic methods, essential elements of a well-balanced and stable core-shamanic practice are taught, all suitable for everyday life.
Pre-requisite for participation is the completion of the Basic workshop “The Way of the Shaman” or the online workshop “The Shamanic Journey to Power and Knowledge”.
The workshop “Online Training in Core Shamanic Practice” addresses the following aspects of shamanic work in a practical way:
Methods for deepening the relationship with one’s spiritual allies
Shamanic power and its application in everyday life
Ways and techniques to draw power for oneself and others
Long-distance shamanic work
Course Length: one day practice divided in sessions with breaks and lunch break
Date & Time: Saturday, October 11th: 10am - 6.30pm
with two-hour lunch break, one hour break late afternoon and other small breaks during the day.
Fee: £ 140
(*please note: this includes PayPal booking fees)
To make your payment via PayPal, please continue with the checkout process below.
If you would prefer to make your payment via BACS Transfer, click here for details.